1. Neighbourhood Area designation - application letter
  2. Map of proposed Neighbourhood Area
  3. Decision notice
  4. Report of the delegated decision
  5. Draft Neighbourhood Plan
  6. How to take part in the public consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan
  7. Statement of Representation Procedure and Fact
  8. Ryton-on-Dunsmore Neighbourhood Plan (submission version - April 2019)
  9. Designated Area Map
  10. Consultation Statement
  11. Basic Conditions Statement
  12. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening determination statement
  13. Submission Letter
  14. Ryton-on-Dunsmore Parish Council Minutes (24 April 2019)
  15. Compliance with Submission Requirements Letter
  16. Equality Impact Assessment
  17. Consultation Strategy
  18. Neighbourhood Plan (referendum version and supporting appendices)
  19. Examiner's report
  20. Decision Statement
  21. Consultation representations
  22. Ryton-on-Dunsmore Neighbourhood Planning Referendum - Information Statement for Voters
  23. Notice of Referendum - Ryton-on-Dunsmore Neighbourhood Plan
  24. Decision Statement
  25. Neighbourhood Plan (adopted version)