Development strategy
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Development strategy
Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements
Annual statements detailing contributions the council has received from developers to fund infrastructure.
Article 4 Direction - Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Removal of permitted development rights for small Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs).
Authority monitoring reports
Authority monitoring reports, planning monitoring information, and five year land supply
Brownfield Land Register
Previously developed sites in the borough considered suitable and available for development
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Rugby Borough Council's CIL charging schedule comes into effect from 1 April 2024.
Conservation areas and character appraisals
Guidance on future development within conservation areas
Gypsy and Traveller Sites
Evidence base on the need for Gypsy and Traveller sites
Local Plan 2011-2031
The Local Plan was adopted in June 2019
Local Plan review - Preferred Option public consultation: evidence base
Evidence supporting the Preferred Options consultation document
Local Plan review Preferred Options consultation
Local plan review - issues and options consultation
Neighbourhood planning
Planning policy library
Find other planning policy documents
Self-build and custom build register
The register helps us gauge the level of demand for self-build developments in the borough
South West Rugby
The Supplementary Planning Document and emerging design code for the South West Rugby allocation
Supplementary Planning Documents
The council's adopted Supplementary Planning Documents, which support policies in the borough's Local Plan.