Our grants

Rugby Borough Council's grant funds are now open, funded by the UK Government. There are three funding pots available:

These grants will close 30 September 2024 or once the funding has been allocated to eligible schemes.

To help applicants with their applications Rugby Borough Council, together with partner organisations, will be hosting a drop-in session on:

  • 22 August from 6pm to 8pm at Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RR, for business growth grants.
  • 5 September from 6pm to 8pm at Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RR, for business growth grants.
  • Tuesday 10 September from 5.30pm to 7pm in Committee Room at Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RR, for sports and community grants.

These sessions are designed to provide guidance, answer questions and offer advice on successful applications.

More information is available from the Communities and Projects team.


Business growth fund

Rugby Borough Council’s Business Growth Fund aims at supporting both start-ups and established businesses borough-wide. It is funded by the UK Government.

The fund can be used to:

  • support the growth of your business through the purchase of capital items (e.g. Machinery, furniture, property improvement or other major material purchases)
  • support in establishing a digital presence through website development, digital marketing campaigns, branding, or social media management by increasing visibility and credibility. 
  • provide access to professional service (e.g. accounting, legal advice, business consulting), if not available through partners. 
  • implementing environmentally sustainable practices, waste reduction measures or eco-friendly product development.

£136,000 is available under the Business Growth Fund. Individual awards will be made up to the value of £7,500 for eligible businesses.

To help applicants with their applications Rugby Borough Council will be hosting drop-in sessions on:

  • 22 August from 6pm to 8pm at Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RR.
  • 5 September from 6pm to 8pm at Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RR, for business growth grants.

These sessions are designed to provide guidance, answer questions and offer advice on successful applications.

More information is available from the Communities and Projects team.

Community support fund

Rugby Borough Council’s Community Support Fund aims to support community organisations and voluntary organisations to deliver community measures that reduce the cost of living, including through measures to improve energy efficiency, and combat fuel poverty and climate change. It is funded by the UK Government.

The aims of the fund are to:

  • Reduce the burden of the cost of living for households within the borough.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Increase take-up of energy efficiency measures by households within the borough. 

Examples of projects that would be eligible include establishing a school uniform bank, setting up a repair shop, or providing support with household items. Projects will be awarded to eligible not-for-profit constituted organisations up to the value of £10,000 each. The minimum grant is £1000 and total grant funding available is £87,000.

To help applicants with their applications Rugby Borough Council, together with partner organisations, will be hosting drop-in sessions on:

  • Tuesday 10 September from 5.30pm to 7pm in Committee Room at Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RR.

This session is designed to provide guidance, answer questions and offer advice on successful applications.

More information is available from the Communities and Projects team.

Sports action fund

Rugby Borough Council’s Sports Action Fund aims to support community and voluntary organisations to increase the participation of Rugby residents in sport and physical activity, while also expanding and diversifying the sports offering within the borough of Rugby. It is funded by the UK Government. 

The aims of the fund are to:

  • Improve and expand the existing sports offering of sports facilities and clubs within the borough.
  • Support the development of sports clubs/events/tournaments/leagues/teams and creation of new ones.
  • Increase the number of people participating in sports activities.
  • Improve the quality of sports events/tournaments.
  • Increase the number of people using sports facilities and accessing the local sports offering. 

Totalling £56,000, projects will be awarded to eligible not-for-profit constituted organisations up to £5,000 each. The minimum award is £1,000.

To help applicants with their applications Rugby Borough Council, together with partner organisations, will be hosting drop-in sessions on:

  • Tuesday 10 September from 5.30pm to 7pm in Committee Room at Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RR.

This session is designed to provide guidance, answer questions and offer advice on successful applications.

More information is available from the Communities and Projects team.