
On Track mentors provide pupils with a positive role model, developing a consistent and on-going relationship which help can help pupils work through many of the common, complex barriers which cause concern.

Our mentoring programme builds confidence and self-esteem while addressing issues associated with anger and difficult behaviour. The programme aims to integrate pupils into school routine while recognising - and realising - potential.

The programme can be tailored to target a diverse range of pupils. Whether taking part in sporting activities within a team or addressing personal development needs on a one-to-one basis, On Track can help pupils re-engage and adapt to mainstream curriculums.

The On Track mentoring programme has been designed for pupils from eight-years-old upwards.

Make a referral

To refer a pupil to the On Track mentoring programme, download and complete our referral form.

Download the On Track Mentoring Referral Form

Alternative education programmes

On Track alternative education programmes address various types of serious behavioural problems.

Our trained coaches, instructors and mentors have developed strategies to deal with many of the complex issues which pupils can encounter - including bullying, low self-esteem and aggression.

The On Track team can deliver nationally-recognised courses through ASDAN and Sports Leaders UK, and has also devised its own alternative education programme - Activ8.

Activ8 can be delivered to small groups of up to ten pupils over a variety of timescales, working through issues which emerge during each session while developing the pupils' skills and confidence to overcome each challenge.

All On Track alternative education programmes, designed for pupils from eight-years-old upwards, aim to support pupils in making the transition back into mainstream education.

For more information, contact the On Track team on (01788) 533747 or email


Football remains one of the most popular sports played by pupils and the On Track football programme delivers a structure which supports development of concentration, commitment, and physical and mental wellbeing - all attributes which help pupils achieve in the classroom.

Our fully qualified FA coaches also have either youth work or mentoring qualifications, so can deal with disagreements and disruptions which can arise during a game. 

The On Track football programme supports team work, communication, confidence and self-discipline, and improves behaviour.

The programme can be offered during lunch breaks or after school for Year 5 upwards or as part of the PE curriculum for Year 4 upwards.




Boxing can create the focus and commitment which, when channelled in the classroom, can help pupils overcome academic learning barriers.

The On Track boxing programme, delivered by a British Boxing Association accredited trainer, can be tailored for pupils with little or no experience, providing a positive outlet for aggressive, disruptive pupils, building the confidence of pupils with low self-esteem, and improving the fitness and self-discipline of all who take part.

Our boxing programme, for Year 4 pupils and upward, can be delivered in schools as part of the PE curriculum or during before or after school clubs.

The programme can also be delivered as a national Boxing Awards accredited course.



Climbing boosts physical and mental wellbeing, while creating a focus and commitment which can help pupils overcome the barriers to learning in the classroom.

Climbing also improves communication skills, confidence and self-esteem, and proves popular with pupil who often fail to engage with mainstream sports.

The On Track climbing programme sets pupils goals to work towards and includes drop testing and belaying techniques which helps pupils overcome fears and develop trust and competency. 

Our climbing instructors encourage pupils to reflect and discuss achievements at the end of each session, generating positive interaction which supports academic development.

The climbing programme, delivered as part of the curriculum for pupils in Year 5 upwards, can be run for groups of up to 12 pupils or offered on a one-to-one, mentoring basis.

The programme includes travel to the University of Warwick's Bear Rock Climbing Centre and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Centre in Rugby.

Multisport sessions

In addition to boosting physical and mental wellbeing, sport can generate the discipline, focus and commitment which can help pupils achieve in the classroom.

On Track multisport sessions offer a wide variety of sporting activities, from football, rugby and cricket to dodgeball and basketball. Our experienced team of coaches have worked with a wide range of pupils with various needs, encouraging all pupils to get involved, whether participating in the activity or supporting sessions as a volunteer.

Physical exertion has been scientifically proven to support mental ability and can deliver real results in academic achievement when delivered as part of the curriculum.

The multisport programme can be offered during lunch breaks or after school for Year 5 upwards or as part of the PE curriculum for Year 4 upwards.