Supplementary Planning Documents

The following Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide further information and guidance on policies contained within the Local Plan 2011-2031:

Document Description
Air Quality SPD The Air Quality SPD provides additional detail and information on the implementation of policy HS5 and SDC1 of the Local Plan.
Climate Change and Sustainable Design and Construction SPD

The Climate Change and Sustainable Design and Construction SPD outlines additional guidance on sustainable design and construction policies set out in the Local Plan.

The SPD was adopted in February 2023. It superseded the Sustainable Design and Construction SPD adopted by the council in February 2012.

Coton Park East SPD The Coton Park SPD provides guidance to inform the development of the Coton Park East allocation in the borough's Local Plan, in accordance with Local Plan policy DS7.
Housing Needs SPD The Housing Needs SPD provides additional detail and information on the implementation of policies H1-H5 of the Local Plan.
Planning Obligations SPD The Planning Obligations SPD sets out what the council may expect from developers in order to secure the necessary infrastructure and services required as a result of development.
Shopfronts Design Guide SPD The Shopfronts Design Guide SPD establishes principles for the design of both historic and contemporary shopfronts in Rugby, supporting the aims of both the Local Plan and the Rugby Regeneration Strategy.
South West Rugby Masterplan SPD The South West Rugby Masterplan SPD helps guide the development of the South West Rugby allocation. The updated version was adopted on 11 December 2024 and supersedes the version adopted by council on 17 June 2021.