Local Plan review - issues and options consultation

Between 31 October 2023 and 2 February 2024, an 'issues and options' consultation was undertaken by the Council. This was an early stage in the process of updating the local plan. The purpose of the consultation was to gather feedback on the issues which the Council had identified as being of importance for an updated local plan, and the potential options for addressing them. The consultation documents and the responses received to the consultation can be accessed via the buttons shown on the right-hand side of this page. The process of updating the local plan has since proceeded to the 'preferred options' stage.

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The issues and options consultation was concluded on 2 February 2024.
View documents supporting the consultation on the issues and options
Documents informing the issues and options
The borough's current Local Plan

How you can get involved

To support the public consultation, we arranged a number of consultation events where you could drop-in and speak to council officers about the issues and options.

Online events

The following events took place on Microsoft Teams:

Date Time Microsoft Teams link
Wednesday 8 November 7pm - 8pm Join the event
Wednesday 17 January 2024 7pm - 8pm Join the event

Community events

The following community events were scheduled.

Date Time Location
Tuesday 14 November 4pm - 6pm Cawston Community Hall, Scholars Drive, Cawston, Rugby, CV22 7GU
Thursday 16 November 4pm - 6pm Brownsover Community Centre, Bow Fell, Rugby, CV21 1JF
Tuesday 21 November 4pm - 6pm Dunchurch Village Hall, Rugby Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6PN
Tuesday 28 November 4pm - 6pm Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, Little Elborow Street, Rugby, CV21 3BZ
Monday 4 December 4pm - 6pm Brandon and Wolston Village Hall, Main Street, Wolston, CV8 3HJ
Wednesday 6 December 3.30pm - 5.30pm Wolvey Village Hall, The Square, Wolvey, LE10 3LJ
Newly added events
Thursday 11 January 11.30am - 1.30pm Tesco supermarket, 1 Leicester Road, Rugby CV21 1RG
Thursday 18 January 10am - 12noon Asda supermarket, 12 Chapel Street, Rugby CV21 3EB
Tuesday 23 January 11am - 1pm Sainsbury's supermarket, 385 Dunchurch Road, CV22 6HU
Tuesday 23 January 4pm - 6pm Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, The Foyer, Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, CV21 3BZ

Have your say

The consultation closed at 5pm on Friday 2 February 2024.  However, you can still download the consultation documents.