Overslade Youth Club

Overslade Community Centre, Buchanan Road, CV22 6AZ.

Tuesdays 5pm - 7pm

Open access from 10-years-old

Activities include:

  • arts and crafts
  • multisport
  • table tennis
  • pool
  • cookery
  • accredited learning
  • personal development and volunteering opportunities
  • workshops dealing with issues affecting young people

Long Lawford Youth Club

Long Lawford Methodist Church, CV23 9AT.

Thursdays 6pm - 8pm

For ages ten to 16-years-old

Activities include:

  • arts and crafts
  • multisport
  • table tennis
  • pool
  • cookery
  • accredited learning
  • personal development and learning opportunities
  • workshops dealing with issues affecting young people

Brownsover Youth Club

Brownsover Youth Hut, CV21 1LD.

Mondays 5pm - 7pm

Open access from 10-years-old

Activities include:

  • arts and crafts
  • table tennis
  • pool
  • multisport
  • accredited learning
  • personal development and volunteering opportunities
  • workshops dealing with issues affecting young people

Community football

Rugby College, Technology Drive, Rugby

Mondays 6pm - 8pm

Open access from 10-years-old

Open access session. For more information, contact the On Track team on (01788) 533747 or email ontrack@rugby.gov.uk