Applications for postal votes for the local elections on Thursday 1 May 2025 must be submitted by 5pm on Monday 14 April 2025.

You can apply to vote by post at all elections or just a particular election.

You can apply online by visiting the Government's website.

Apply for a postal vote online

Alternatively, you can download a postal vote application form and return it to us.

Download a postal vote application form (remember, you must include your date of birth and signature)

Once you have completed the application form, you can scan and email it to or post it FREEPOST to:

RRBJ-HLCZ-UKLR, FREEPOST, The Electoral Registration Officer, Rugby Borough Council, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR.

A ballot paper can be sent to any address you choose. This can be an address outside the UK, but remember your vote may take longer to reach us. Votes received after the poll closes will not be counted.

Once your postal application has been accepted, you will not be allowed to vote in person at your polling station. However, you can hand in your postal ballot paper to a polling station in your electoral area on polling day.

If you will be unable to receive, complete and return a postal ballot paper in time, you may wish to appoint a proxy who will be entitled to vote on your behalf instead.

If you are unable to sign in a consistent or distinctive way or you are unable to read or write, please contact us. We may be able to make other arrangements