New accessible changing facility for Rugby town centre 

A new accessible changing and toilet facility for adults with disabilities has been recommended for installation in the Rugby Central shopping centre.
08 lipca 2020

It comes following a meeting of the Rugby Borough Council Cabinet earlier this week (Monday).

Changing Places toilets are designed for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well people with other physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis who often need extra equipment and space to allow them to use toilets safely and comfortably. 

They provide additional space, a height adjustable changing bench and a lifting hoist, along with privacy and cleaning facilities.

Subject to final approval by the Council, the Changing Places facility will be located on the first floor of Rugby Central near to the existing toilets, after surveys found there was insufficient space at alternative sites at Rugby Art Gallery and Museum and the Town Hall.

Cllr Carolyn Robbins, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for Resources, said: "We want to make it as easy as possible for all of our communities to come into Rugby town centre to shop, to socialise or to do business, and an important part of that is having the right facilities to allow people to live their lives with dignity.

"The Changing Places consortium estimate that more than 230,000 people need help to use a toilet or change their pads, so the need for this facility in a growing town like Rugby is very clear.

"We are happy to contribute £25,000 towards this facility to supplement a £35,000 grant, and we are grateful to Rugby Central for its agreement in principle to host this facility."

The proposal to locate the Changing Places toilet in Rugby Central has received letters of support from the Rugby Community Wellbeing Hub, the Rugby Autism Network, Rugby Disability Forum and WCAVA.

The new town centre facility will add to the existing Changing Places facilities located at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Centre and the Tesco supermarket on Leicester Road.