Your application

Your application should demonstrate your suitably for the role, with particular emphasis placed on how you match both the 'essential' criteria and 'desirable' criteria.

Remember, we cannot make assumptions about your skills, experience and abilities.

Please note - we advise applicants to download a copy of the role's job profile before the closing date for applications. Copies of job profiles can be requested by sending an email to 

Make sure you read and understand our corporate values

Our corporate values framework plays a vital role in our day-to-day culture and the way we work.

In addition to being covered in the application process, questions on the values framework may be asked during interview, so it's a good idea to gain an understanding of the framework and how you demonstrate our values in your professional life.

Research and understand our organisation

Gaining a greater understanding of the council on both an organisational level - and how the service area you have applied to join works within the council - can help you during the application and interview process. 

It's also worth researching current issues which could impact the role/service you have applied for (e.g. new Government legislation).

Your interview

Make sure to re-read the job profile before your interview - it gives you a good idea of the topics which could be covered.

Remember, you can request a copy of the job profile by sending an email to 

Typical interview questions cover the following:

  • Competence - questions about your skills and experience
  • Behaviour - questions about how you have handled specific situations in the past, or how you would those situations now
  • Sector knowledge - questions which allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the role and service area you have applied for
  • Technical - questions to assess your technical skills for the role
  • Motivation - questions about your interest in the role

If you've been asked to make a presentation at your interview, read the guidance on the next page.

Your presentation

Make sure you fully understand the presentation topic and tailor your presentation to cover it fully.

You may need to decide which areas of the topic to cover in detail - and which to cover briefly - in order for your presentation to be completed within the time limit.

Use images, data and references where appropriate to engage your audience, verify your assertions and demonstrate a wider knowledge of the topic in question.

Practice by reading your presentation out loud. It can take longer to read out loud, so be aware of the time limit.

Remember, you'll be asked questions about your presentation on completion, so be prepared to discuss all aspects covered in your presentation.

Above all, remember to submit your presentation by email to before the given deadline so we can have it uploaded and ready for your interview.

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