Battery and electricals recycling collections
Rugby Borough Council offers free collection of household batteries and small electrical items, alongside your normal bin collections.
Where should I put my items?
Small electrical items must be placed inside a standard carrier bag, loosely tied and left on top of your black refuse bin or blue-lid recycling bin.
Batteries must be put in a separate bag. The bag should be loosely tied and also left on top of your black refuse bin or blue-lid recycling bin
What batteries can I recycle?
All typical household batteries can be recycled, including:
- Sizes AA and AAA (remote controls, toys, digital cameras)
- Sizes C and D (larger electronic device such as portable radios)
- Button cells (watches, calculators, key fobs)
- Lithium batteries (mobile phones, laptops, power tools)
- We cannot accept large batteries such as for cars and caravans
- Please do not attempt to remove built-in batteries
- Please do not give us damaged batteries; place these inside a fire-proof container such as a metal tin and take them to your nearest recycling centre as soon as possible.
What electricals can I recycle?
Anything with a plug, cable or battery which fits inside a standard carrier bag can be recycled. Anything larger than this should be taken to a recycling centre.
Examples of items we accept include devices such as phones and laptops, kitchen appliances, electronic toys and games, power tools, and bathroom accessories such as electric toothbrushes and shavers.
You can search for specific examples in our recycling directory.
Who can use this service?
All households that have their own bins can use this service.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer it to residents who share a bin, such as in flats and apartments; this is because they currently have nowhere to put the items.
The service is not open to businesses at this time.
Why weren’t my items collected?
We will only collect items presented correctly (see above ‘Where should I put my items?’).
Our vehicles have a limited amount of space to carry waste electricals, so it is possible that we weren’t able to fit your item in. Please put it out with your next collection.