The Unsung Hero 'Volunteer' Award - sponsored by Warwickshire CAVA
This award is for an individual’s dedication and commitment to volunteering in sport during 2024, whose involvement is instrumental to the running of their sports club or organisation.
The Mark Gallagher Memorial Award for Coach of the Year
This award is given to a sports coach based in Rugby whose dedication and commitment has led to success for an individual, team or sports club during 2024.
The Simon Warwood Memorial Award for Young Team of the Year
This is awarded to a junior sports team for their achievement and successes within their sport. We look at the team’s commitment, team spirit and sense of fair play as well as any awards and trophies they may have won during 2024.
Young Volunteer of the Year - Sponsored by Rugby Rokeby Lions
This award is for anyone aged under 18 who lives or volunteers in a sports club or organisation in Rugby. It is awarded for their involvement and commitment to volunteering, being a positive role model, inspiring and engaging with the local community
The Young Sports Person of the Year
This award sees one of our Excellence in Sport Award winners picked for their individual achievement and success throughout 2024.
Excellence in Sport Award
Open to young people aged 18 or under on 31 August 2024 who have represented a sport at national or international level.
Get Active Award
This award recognises an individual who has significantly improved their health and wellbeing by becoming more physically active, either through sport or regular exercise.
The Club of the Year Award
This award is for a sports club based in Rugby which has achieved success in sport as well as their developmental initiatives. This may include the development of coaches, officials and volunteers, any new opportunities for new and existing members which have been introduced, developing new sections or achieving club accreditation.
The Sportsman of the Year Award
The sportsman of the year award recognises the achievements of our male athletes who have excelled on an individual level in their sport during 2024.
Sportswoman of the Year Award
This award recognises the individual achievement of our talented female athletes who have achieved sporting success during 2024.
The Lifetime Achievement Award
This award recognises an individual who has devoted many years to a sports club or organisation in the borough.
Women's Rugby Player of the Year Award
To celebrate the Women's Rugby World Cup, this award recognises a player's achievements and success during 2024.