Arranging for us to collect your garden waste

The council offers an opt-in garden waste collection service every fortnight for residents who want one.


Signing up

Subscriptions for the period 1 May 2025 to 30 April 2026 will open in Spring 2025. 

How the service works

For the 2024-25 subscription period the fortnightly service will cost £45 per bin for the year. Please note, we suspend the service for a short period over Christmas and New Year. In 2024-25 this period will cover at least the dates 23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025 inclusive.

You can opt-in at any time, but there are no discounts for part-year subscriptions.

You can pay by credit or debit card at any time of the day, using our secure website. Once you have signed up, allow up to two weeks for us to send your bin sticker and arrange to empty your bin.

When you opt-in you will receive a bin sticker, which you will need to stick to the body of your bin at the rear, below the handle. This sticker will be unique to you, and will match our records.

We only empty green garden waste bins that display a sticker.

If you're a new subscriber and do not own a green bin, you can order one by completing our online form.

Order a green bin

Garden waste collection rounds

Your garden waste bin may be emptied on a different day of the week to your black rubbish and blue-lid recycling bins. You may need to check your next bin day.

Why this service?

The Warwickshire Waste Partnership is looking to reduce the overall amount of waste collected and to encourage residents to move waste up the "waste hierarchy". This means that we will prioritise waste reduction, then reusing waste, and then recycling whatever waste cannot be eliminated or reused.

Home composting is the best way to deal with garden waste and, where appropriate, food waste. We hope that the opt-in garden waste collection service will encourage residents to home compost as well as or instead of subscribing. However, for residents who cannot compost or who produce a large amount of garden waste the garden waste collection service provides a low-cost way to have their garden waste collected regularly by a trusted service provider.

Waste composition data from the Warwickshire Waste Partnership shows that, since the garden waste collection service was introduced, the total amount of waste produced by residents in Rugby has reduced faster than anywhere else in the county. The amount of waste that residents put into the wrong waste collection bin remains very low.


If you don't want to sign-up to the service you could:

  • cut your grass without the grass collection box attached or use a mulch mower.
  • compost your garden waste
  • take your garden waste to the county council's household waste recycling centres (tips).

We will not empty black bins that contain garden waste.

Food waste

If you subscribe to the garden waste collection service, you can put food waste in your garden waste bin. This is because all green waste collected within the green bin will continue to be processed at the In Vessel Composting Facility at Ufton. Warwickshire County Council advise that food waste found in the garden waste bin will not be treated as contamination at this time.

Food waste can also be put in the black bin. This is because we're not allowed to charge for food waste collection.

About 85 per cent of food waste is put in the black bin. In fact, on average half of all waste collected in the black bins is food, and around half of all food waste put in the black bin can be composted at home.

Residents can save money by reducing the amount of food that they waste by following advice of campaigns such as "love food, hate waste".

Questions about the service

The following questions and answers have been compiled to help residents to understand the service and decide whether or not they would like to subscribe.

How do I sign up for the service?

You can sign up and pay online. Payment can be made by debit or credit card. Alternatively you can sign up and pay by phone by calling (01788) 533335. The fee must be paid in full when you sign up to the service.

How much does the service cost?

The service costs £45 per bin for the year, which runs from 1 May to 30 April with a short break at Christmas and New Year. There are no discounts or exemptions. You can sign up at any time, but the cost of the service will remain £45 and will expire in April.

What can go in the garden waste bin?

For up to date information see What goes in which bin?

Does the service operate all year?

The garden waste collection service is a fortnightly service, but will stop for a short period at Christmas and New Year.

How do I opt out?

You do not need to contact us to opt out of the service. If you do not subscribe, you will not receive a garden waste collection service. You can stop using the service at any time, but there are no refunds or discounts for part-year subscriptions.

How many bins can I have?

You can subscribe as many times as you wish. The charge will be £45 per bin for the year. If you already have more than one bin you do not have to subscribe for all of them, but we will only empty bins that display a valid permit.

How soon after paying will I receive a collection?

It can take up to two weeks for us to process your request, deliver your sticker and arrange your first collection. However, we will not empty your bin until you have stuck the sticker to it.

If I move house can I take my subscription with me?

No, when you move house the bins must be left at the property. All bins remain the property of Rugby Borough Council. The subscription will continue to the end of the subscription period and cannot be transferred to a new property or refunded.

My bin has been stolen or damaged, will you give me a new one?

Residents are responsible for the safe keeping of their bins and bin permits. However if they are lost, stolen or damaged we will repair or replace the bin and sticker free of charge.

Who owns the bins?

We will continue to own the bin. The service you are paying for is to have the bin emptied.

Can I keep my bin if I don’t want to pay for a collection service?

Yes. If you do not want to pay to have your garden waste collected then you can keep your bin but we will not empty it after your last scheduled collection day. If at a later date you choose to sign up for the service you can use your existing bin. The bin will remain our property and must not be used in connection with any trade or any other waste collection service.

Will you take garden waste placed in a container at the side of my bin?

Side waste is not collected and bin lids must be fully closed. If your bin is too heavy for the lifting mechanism on the lorry it will be left unemptied until you remove some of the contents.

What happens if my garden waste collection is missed?

If you placed your bin out at the correct time for collection and it was missed you should let us know. The collection crews record all bins that are not out for collection. In addition the vehicles have a camera system on them. If we missed your bin we will arrange to empty it within the next few working days. You must leave your bin accessible to the crew.

Can I line my bin with newspaper or bag my material up before putting it in the bin?

You can line your bin with newspaper but plastic bags are NOT acceptable in the green bins.

Terms and conditions 2024-25

These terms and conditions of the garden waste collection service apply to 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025 subscriptions.

Garden waste collection service - terms and conditions

  1. The agreement is made between the resident (customer) and Rugby Borough Council and sets out the terms and conditions under which the customer may use the council's garden waste collection service (the service).
  2. Customers can either pay online at or by telephoning (01788) 533335 (from 26 March).
  3. Customer subscriptions are renewable annually and only customers who have paid their subscription in advance are eligible to receive the service.
  4. Subscriptions cover the period 1 May 2024 - 30 April 2025 and are payable in advance.
  5. The customer will receive a permit (sticker) to identify the service has been paid for. It is a requirement that the sticker is attached to the back of the bin below the handle.
  6. All bins remain the property of the council. Subscriptions are for the service only and are not transferable to another property.
  7. The cost of the service is £45 per bin.
  8. There are no concessions or refunds (see also paragraph 25).
  9. Subscriptions made during the course of the year will be charged at £45. There will be no pro-rata charge.
  10. Garden waste bins will be provided free of charge however a £45 subscription fee per bin for the service is required.
  11. The service will be suspended over the Christmas and New Year period. This period will cover at least the dates 23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025 inclusive.
  12. The customer may only use the designated paid for wheelie bin(s) for the collection of garden waste. The council will not collect garden waste presented by any other method.
  13. Customers will be responsible for the bin(s) which shall remain at the property in the event of the resident moving home.
  14. Excess (side) waste will not be collected, neither will overweight bins.
  15. Bin lids must be fully closed prior to collection.
  16. Customers may use the service for the collection of garden waste only.
  17. Any bin found to contain material not specified on the website may not be collected. The customer will be required to remove the non-permitted material and the bin will be emptied on the following scheduled collection day.
  18. If the customer continues to put unacceptable material in the garden waste or recycling bins the service will be removed. In these circumstances no refund will be given for the garden waste subscription.
  19. Bins shall be left at the usual collection point from 7.30am on the scheduled collection day. The bin handle should be facing the street. Bins should be retrieved by the customer as soon as possible after collection.
  20. The collection crew will not return for bins that have not been fully emptied due to overloading or the contents being compacted or frozen. 
  21. Collections not made due to severe weather, or disruptions relating to issues outside the council’s control, will not be refunded.
  22. Schools, churches, community centres etc. can access the service. The same fees apply.
  23. Bins that are damaged or lost and reported as such will be replaced free of charge.
  24. On termination of the customer’s right to receive the service (however such termination occurred) the council reserve the right to remove the bin(s) from the customer’s property.
  25. Customers who buy their subscription online or by telephone have a right to cancel their subscription within 14 days, provided they return their permit unused. On receipt by the council of the unused permit they will be entitled to a full refund. Customers must contact the council to arrange their refund.
  26. The customer's statutory rights are not affected.

Note: Garden waste bins may not be collected on the same day of the week as the blue-lid recycling or black rubbish bins. Subscribers should check their next collection day.

Terms and conditions 2025-26

These terms and conditions of the garden waste collection service apply to 1 May 2025 to 30 April 2026 subscriptions.

Garden waste collection service - terms and conditions

  1. The agreement is made between the resident (customer) and Rugby Borough Council and sets out the terms and conditions under which the customer may use the council's garden waste collection service (the service).
  2. Customers can either pay online at or by telephoning (01788) 533335 (from 1 April).
  3. Customer subscriptions are renewable annually and only customers who have paid their subscription in advance are eligible to receive the service.
  4. Subscriptions cover the period 1 May 2025 - 30 April 2026 and are payable in advance.
  5. The customer will receive a permit (sticker) to identify the service has been paid for. It is a requirement that the sticker is attached to the back of the bin below the handle.
  6. All bins remain the property of the council. Subscriptions are for the service only and are not transferable to another property.
  7. The cost of the service is £46 per bin.
  8. There are no concessions or refunds (see also paragraph 25).
  9. Subscriptions made during the course of the year will be charged at £46. There will be no pro-rata charge.
  10. Garden waste bins will be provided free of charge however a £46 subscription fee per bin for the service is required.
  11. The service will be suspended over the Christmas and New Year period. This period will cover at least the dates 22 December 2025 to 2 January 2026 inclusive.
  12. The customer may only use the designated paid for wheelie bin(s) for the collection of garden waste. The council will not collect garden waste presented by any other method.
  13. Customers will be responsible for the bin(s) which shall remain at the property in the event of the resident moving home.
  14. Excess (side) waste will not be collected, neither will overweight bins.
  15. Bin lids must be fully closed prior to collection.
  16. Customers may use the service for the collection of garden waste only.
  17. Any bin found to contain material not specified on the website may not be collected. The customer will be required to remove the non-permitted material and the bin will be emptied on the following scheduled collection day.
  18. If the customer continues to put unacceptable material in the garden waste or recycling bins the service will be removed. In these circumstances no refund will be given for the garden waste subscription.
  19. Bins shall be left at the usual collection point from 7.00am on the scheduled collection day. The bin handle should be facing the street. Bins should be retrieved by the customer as soon as possible after collection.
  20. The collection crew will not return for bins that have not been fully emptied due to overloading or the contents being compacted or frozen. 
  21. Collections not made due to severe weather, or disruptions relating to issues outside the council’s control, will not be refunded.
  22. Schools, churches, community centres etc. can access the service. The same fees apply.
  23. Bins that are damaged or lost and reported as such will be replaced free of charge.
  24. On termination of the customer’s right to receive the service (however such termination occurred) the council reserve the right to remove the bin(s) from the customer’s property.
  25. Customers who buy their subscription online or by telephone have a right to cancel their subscription within 14 days, provided they return their permit unused. On receipt by the council of the unused permit they will be entitled to a full refund. Customers must contact the council to arrange their refund.
  26. The customer's statutory rights are not affected.

Note: Garden waste bins may not be collected on the same day of the week as the blue-lid recycling or black rubbish bins. Subscribers should check their next collection day.