New rental and service charge costs 2025/26

The new rental and service charges for the 2025/26 financial year apply from Monday 7 April 2025.

We have issued letters detailing the new charges to provide tenants with 28 days' notice before the charges come into effect.

The letter - a legal requirement under the Housing Act 1985 - gives tenants sufficient time to make changes to payments or to provide information to relevant benefit authorities.

If you're unsure what to do, contact us

We have published the following list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) but if you need advice or support, please contact us by:

  • email - 
  • phone - (01788) 533375
  • visit one of our rent drop-in sessions at the Town Hall, which take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 4pm. No appointment necessary


Why has the rent changed?

The Rent Policy Statement jointly issued by the Ministry of Housing, Local Government and Communities, and the Regulator for Social Housing, determines the maximum permissible increase in social housing charges.

The council then votes on what level of increase (up to the maximum permissible amount) or decrease should be applied.

For the financial year 2025/26, the maximum permissible increase of 2.7 per cent was agreed by council at a meeting on 4 February 2025.

Although we can increase rents by this amount, we have considered each home and, depending on the outcome of this analysis, your rent notification letter states whether your rent has increased, stayed the same or reduced.

As with all social landlords, the rents we collect pay for core landlord services, such as the housing team services, remedial repairs and improvement works, such as new bathrooms and kitchens.


What do service charges cover and why do I pay?

Service charges cover the cost of additional services provided by us as your landlord.

Depending on where you live, your service charge costs may be contributing to communal lighting, communal heating, communal cleaning, estate management, water and, if you receive independent living services, your independent living co-ordinator.

You pay a service charge on top of your rent as the services charged for do not form part of your core rental costs.

Again, service charges may be increased, stay the same or reduced.

I'm worried about being able to afford my rent. What can I do?

If you're worried about being able to afford your rent, please contact us as soon as possible.

Your income officer can resolve your concern or may refer you to our tenancy support team, who can offer specialised support.

If you're paying a higher proportion of rent due to the fact you have a spare bedroom, you can speak to your housing officer about downsizing.

You could also apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment. 

For more information, contact your housing officer or visit our website's discretionary awards section.

You can also visit one of our tenancy drop-in sessions at the Town Hall, which take place every Wednesday from 10am to 4pm. No appointment necessary.


I pay by Direct Debit. Do I need to do anything to adjust my payments?

If you pay by Direct Debit, you do not need to take any action other than to read our letter detailing your Direct Debit payments.

Direct Debit takes the hassle out of paying your rent.

It's flexible, too. You can choose to pay monthly on the 1, 12, 19 or 26 of the month. We also offer weekly and fortnightly payment options.

You can set up flexible payments by emailing or calling (01788) 533375 and have your bank or building society details to hand.

I pay my rent by standing order. What do I need to do?

If you pay your rent by bank or building society standing order, you'll need to contact your bank or building society to amend your standing order payment to your new rent and, if applicable, service charge.

If you're unsure how much you need to change your rent payment, please contact us. 

I am claiming Housing Benefit. What do I need to do?

If you have an existing claim for Housing Benefit, we'll inform the council's benefits team of any changes to your rent and, if applicable, service charge.

The benefits team then recalculates your Housing Benefit payments in line with your new rent and, if applicable, service charge.

You'll receive a letter during March 2025 setting out how much you need to pay.

If your circumstances change during the year, the amount of Housing Benefit you receive may be affected. When your circumstances change, please contact the income team to ensure you continue to make the correct payments.

If you pay by Direct Debit, you must let us know of any change to your circumstances so we can ensure we collect the correct amount of money from your bank or building society account.

Rent free weeks

For tenants who have kept up-to-date with rent payments, the following rent free weeks take place during the 2025/26 financial year:

  • week beginning Monday 7 April 2025
  • week beginning Monday 25 August 2025
  • week beginning Monday 22 December 2025
  • week beginning Monday 30 March 2026

Please note - tenants in rent arrears must carry on paying rent during the above rent free weeks.

I am claiming Universal Credit. What do I need to do?

If you receive the housing element of Universal Credit, you must report any changes to your rent to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) via your Universal Credit online journal.

You should receive a notification on your Universal Credit online journal's 'To do list' during April 2025, when you need to outline your new rent charge and, if applicable, service charge.

IMPORTANT - do not update your rent charge until after 7 April 2025 to avoid your current entitlement being affected.

If you have any questions about your Universal Credit notification, please contact us.

Please note - Universal Credit pays your rent for 2025/26 over 48 weeks.

Failure to notify the DWP of changes to your rent could result in you being paid incorrectly. 

To make a claim for Universal Credit, visit the Government website.

Apply for Universal Credit (external link)

Check you're claiming the benefits you're entitled to

You can check whether you're claiming the benefits you're entitled to by using our online benefits calculator.

It's free, independent and you can calculate your benefit entitlement anonymously.

Make sure you're not missing out on money you can claim.

Use our benefits calculator

I rent a council garage. Has the rent for my garage changed?

Yes, all rents have been considered for the 2025/26 financial year, including the cost of renting a council garage.

Garage rents can be increased by a maximum of 2.7 per cent during the 2025/26 financial year.

You cannot claim benefits to pay your garage rent and all payments must be made in advance.

Please read the advice in the 'Direct Debit' and 'Standing orders' sections concerning how to change your garage rent payments.